Narrativas para un mundo mejor
Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution.
Center for African Peace and Conflict Resolution.
Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence.
Centro de Educación e Investigación para la Paz
DEMOSPAZ Instituto de Derechos Humanos, Democracia, Cultura de Paz y No Violencia.
Foro de asociaciones de Educación en Derechos Humanos y por la Paz.
Estudios Internacionales de Paz, Conflictos y Desarrollo.
Frankfurt-Peace Research Institute
Spark M. Matsunaga Institute for Peace (Hawaii).
Hiroshima Peace Institute
Instituto de la Paz y los Conflictos-Universidad de Granada.
PRIO – International Peace Research Institute, Oslo
IPI International Peace Institute.
LPI – The Life & Peace Institute
Instituto Interuniversitario de Desarrollo Social y Paz.
SCAR School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution.
SIPRI – Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
TAPRI- Finnish Tampere Peace Research Institute.
TODA Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research.
Transnacional Institute-Worldwide for scholar Activism.
Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research.
United States Institute of Peace.
University of Bradford- Department of Peace Studies.
University of Gothenburg – Peace and Development Research.
Uppsala Data Program – Peace and Conflict Research.
© 2025 Corresponsal de Paz
Tema de Anders Norén